Many community agencies offer a variety of services to San Bernardino County residents. The resources listed and linked to in this section have been compiled by the Transitional Assistance Department (TAD) as a public service. In this section you will find information on community resources by clicking the hyperlinks below.
Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
Earn less than $67,000 a year? We can help prepare your tax return for FREE! Our staff are IRS-Certified volunteers.
Free, safe, convenient, trusted, and caring tax preparation.
Ayuda Voluntaria a los Contribuyentes (VITA, por sus siglas en inglés)
¿Gana menos de $67,000 al año? ¡Podemos ayudarle a preparar su declaración de impuestos GRATIS! Nuestro personal son voluntarios certificados por el IRS. Ofrecemos servicios de preparación de impuestos gratuitos, en forma segura, conveniente, confiable y cuidadoso.
Find recipes for healthy, kid-friendly meals. All in one place!
Summer Meals
Did you know there are free activities and meals available in your community for your kids and teens this summer? Please click on the program brochure below for additional information.
Community Resource Brochure
Food Resources
Community Employment Pathways Program
Community Employment Pathways (CEP) is a San Bernardino County program designed to assist residents in securing employment. The County has contracted with an employment agency to provide job placement service to work-ready individuals.
Online Credit Card Payment Option
Pay your over issuance or overpayment of CalWORKs and CalFresh benefits conveniently and securely via credit/debit card online! Click here to make a payment.
*Please note, this site is NOT for Courts or Central Collections payments.
Social Security Work Incentives
Social Security’s Ticket to Work program supports career development for people with disabilities who want to work. Social Security disability beneficiaries age 18 through 64 qualify. The Ticket program is free and voluntary. The Ticket program helps people with disabilities progress toward financial independence. The Ticket program and Work Incentives allow you to keep your benefits while you explore employment, receive vocational rehabilitation and gain work experience. For additional information, please call 866.968.7842.
Holiday Resource List
This list was compiled through our partnerships with numerous agencies serving the communities of San Bernardino County with the intent to distribute it to our communities and the agencies that serve them. It will be updated to include resources available through the end of the holiday season.
Fireplace Replacement Incentive Program
SAVE MONEY, BREATHE EASY. Receive a big discount when you retrofit your old wood burning fireplace with a new electric or gas clean-burning, energy-efficient unit.
Call 1-855-396-3833 or visit
Free GED Program
For referrals and information about the free GED program, call the Day Reporting & Reentry Services Center in your area:
Central 909.382.7800 | High Desert 760.243.8269 | West End 909.463.7557
Free Cell Phones and Service for Low-Income Californians
California residents who receive Supplemental Security Income, CalFresh (formerly known as Food Stamps), Medi-Cal and other public assistance may be eligible to receive free cell phones and service.
2-1-1 San Bernardino County
2-1-1 is a toll-free phone number that provides information and referrals for health and social services. Dialing 2-1-1 is the quickest way to access non-emergency resources for your family, your neighbors and your employees. Dial 2-1-1 or (888) 435-7565 or search the 2-1-1 database for information on:
- Utility Assistance
- Support Groups
- Counseling
- Child Care
- Food, Clothing or Shelter
- Crisis Assistance
- Aid for Elderly
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
If you can’t afford to pay your home energy bill, your home may not be safe. The LIHEAP program may be able to help keep you and your family safe and healthy. Please click on the program brochures below for additional information.
Additional Resources
Transportation Resources
Internet Resources