Joshua trees are now protected by the State of California as a candidate for listing as an endangered species. At this time, the County cannot issue a permit to take…
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Getting Started
It is recommended that first time users or individuals who need a refresher will familiarize themselves with the information in this section. We review:

Is My Parcel in the County?
Knowing what jurisdiction your property is located in is an important first step for any project. Save time up front by ensuring you are applying with the correct agency.
Use the Parcel Map tool to search for your property and see which agencies provide services.
Which Permit Do I Need?
Are you building a high rise? Renovating a house? Or maybe you are seeking approval to operate a business that’s not usually allowed in your location? Whether you are looking to build a house or repair one, this is your one place to start.

Fees Schedule & Estimator
This Fee Estimator is designed to be used by Construction Professionals to estimate the San Bernardino County Plan Review and Inspection Fees that correspond to the project variables entered. Please note this is only an estimate. Contact the Building and Safety Department directly for more information regarding exact costs.
NACo 2018 Award
The National Association of Counties has awarded San Bernardino County a 2018 Achievement Award for this program.