The Single Resource for County Permits and Applications
The County of San Bernardino’s EZOP website simplifies your search for project information by centralizing handouts and descriptions of development and construction-related permits and activities.
Are you building a high rise? Renovating a house? Installing a new water heater? Rewiring a blighted property as part of rehab? Or maybe you are seeking approval to operate a business that’s not usually allowed in your location? Whether you are looking to build a house or repair one, this is your one place to start.
Here you will find information on various activities regulated by the County in a citizen-focused format. Each application along with required materials are described fully so that you can be prepared to apply.
Click here for a Quick Reference Guide that helps you find the appropriate application for your project.
Permit | Module | Apply Online | Description |
Non-Residential Accessory | Building | Yes | A Non-Residential Accessory permit is required prior to any construction of non-residential accessory. The definition of Accessory Structure is any structure accessory to and incidental to that of the dwelling(s) and that is located on the same lot. Examples of accessory structures are pump houses, trash enclosures, and metal storage containers. Prior to starting construction… Find out more. |
Burn Permit | Fire | Yes | IMPORTANT: San Bernardino County Fire Burn Permits are only for within County Fire's Authority of Jurisdiction. If you are in a State Responsibility Area (SRA) then you will need to apply for a Burn permit from CAL FIRE at If you are in an area that is not serviced by County Fire, then please seek a… Find out more. |
State Site (DSA) Review | Fire | Yes | State Site (DSA) Review Find out more. |
Residential Fire Letter | Fire | Yes | Residential Fire Letter Find out more. |
Fire Special Event Permit | Fire | Yes | Fire Special Event Permit Find out more. |
Fire Planning/DRC | Fire | Yes | Fire Planning/DRC Find out more. |
Fire Commercial/Multi-Family Construction | Fire | Yes | Fire Commercial/Multi-Family Construction Find out more. |
Street Name Change | Public Works | Yes | This application can be used to propose a new street name for roads within the County of San Bernardino. Find out more. |
Excavation Permit | Public Works | Yes | COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO – DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS/OPERATIONS SUPPORT DIVISION - TRANSPORTATION 825 E. THIRD STREET ROOM 108 SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92415-0835 (909)387-1863Permits are only issued for County Maintained Roads. Visit to view an interactive map showing the CMRS roads. Excavation Permits are typically issued for installation, replacement or repair of any underground… Find out more. |
Conditional Utility Work Authorization | Public Works | Yes | COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO – DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PERMITS/OPERATIONS SUPPORT DIVISION - TRANSPORTATION 825 E. THIRD STREET ROOM 108 SAN BERNARDINO, CA. 92415-0835 (909)387-1863Permits are only issued for County Maintained Roads. Visit to view an interactive map showing the CMRS roads. The undersigned hereby applies for permission to excavate, and/or otherwise encroach on County Road… Find out more. |
Road Dedication (Gratis Deed) | Public Works | Yes | Road Dedication (Gratis Deed) Find out more. |
Right-of-Way Vacation and Abandonment | Public Works | Yes | Please review the following requirements: I/We do hereby request that studies be commenced to determine whether the vacation of the above public rights are in the public's interest; and if the aforementioned studies find the vacation is in the public's interest, and that the appropriate manner to perform the vacation is through the Board of Supervisor's… Find out more. |
WQMP Inspection | Public Works | Yes | Please provide location information that matches the information submitted for your WQMP review. If the original parcel is no longer active in the Assessor's data, then please use the new parcel number assigned to the property (for subdivisions, please choose a primary parcel for reference). This will be used by staff to link this submittal to your existing WQMP… Find out more. |
Flood Control Surplus Property | Public Works | Yes | Please provide the Facility Name and Assessor's Parcel Number for the flood control facility that will be covered by this application. The interactive Flood Control Facilities map can be used to lookup the facility name corresponding to the flood control facility impacted by proposed work: Click Here -> Flood Control Facilities map Find out more. |
Flood Control Annual Permit | Public Works | Yes | Information about permits issued by San Bernardino County Flood Control District can be found here: Click Here -> San Bernardino County Flood Control District Find out more. |
Photography Permit | Film | Yes | FOR THE BEST EXPERIENCE, PLEASE COMPLETE APPLICATION ON A DESKTOP DEVICE. Dear Applicant: The following information is about the County of San Bernardino Photography Permit Application. This application allows the permittee to shoot still photography for commercial use at the location(s) specified in the application. In addition, this application allows the permittee to shoot on public,… Find out more. |
Film Permit | Film | Yes | FOR THE BEST EXPERIENCE, PLEASE COMPLETE APPLICATION ON A DESKTOP DEVICE. The following information is about the County of San Bernardino Film Permit Application. This application allows the permittee to film for commercial use at the location(s) specified in the application. In addition, this application allows the permittee to film on public, commercial or private… Find out more. |
Mining Transfer of Ownership | Planning | Yes | This application and materials are required to be submitted to the County to document the transfer of ownership OR name change of any mining operation. After review of all the information submitted is complete, the applicant will be notified that the County requirements related to the transfer of ownership or CUP name change is complete.… Find out more. |
Mining Revision to Approved Action | Planning | Yes | The Director of Land Use Services may approve a minor modification/revision to the conditions of approval for an existing conditionally approved mining project. Before approval, the California Department of Conservation, Division of Mine Reclamation (DMR) will be notified of the proposed modification/revision for review and comments pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 2772.1. The review… Find out more. |
Mining Interim Management Plan | Planning | Yes | The Director of Land Use Services may approve an Interim Management Plan (IMP) for an existing conditionally approved surface mining operation. This application and supporting materials are required to document compliance and measures that will secure and maintain the mine site during idle periods, provided there is reasonable intent to resume mining in the near… Find out more. |
Mining and Reclamation Plan | Planning | Yes | Mining Activities and Administration Requirements: (Refer to Division 8, Chapters 82.17 and 88.03 of the County Development Code, Public Resources Code Sections 2207 and 2710 et seq., and California Code of Regulations Section 3500 et seq. – the statutes and state regulations are collectively known as the Surface Mining and Reclamation Act of 1975, “SMARA”). The provisions… Find out more. |
Reasonable Accommodation Request (Residential Care Facility) | Planning | Yes | In compliance with Fair Housing Laws (42 USC section 3600 et seq. and Government Code section 12900 et seq.), the County of San Bernardino may provide reasonable accommodation to any person with a disability who seeks access to fair housing. This application is for a Major Reasonable Accommodation for a land use modification, specifically for… Find out more. |
Reasonable Accommodation Request | Planning | Yes | Applicants requesting Fair Housing Amendments Act and/or Americans with Disabilities Act accommodations to the County codes or procedures must complete the following information in full. Provide copies of all relevant permit applications, building plans, as well as copies of any county, state or federal licenses currently active or required for the proposed use of the… Find out more. |
Solar with SolarAPP+ | Building | Yes | Using SolarAPP+ Step 1: Eligibility to Use SolarAPP+ Permitted residential structures only Roof mount solar on a manufactured home must be permitted through State of California Department of Housing and Community Development. (HCD) 951-782-4420 No building-integrated photovoltaic systems (BIPV) No ballasted systems Please review the SolarAPP+ Eligibility Checklistfor acceptable projects Qualified Licensed Contractors Only (C-10 and C-46)… Find out more. |
Non-Residential Accessory | Building | Yes | A Non-Residential Accessory permit is required prior to any construction of a nonresidential accessory structures greater than 120 square feet. The definition of Accessory Structure is any structure accessory to and incidental to that of the dwelling(s) and that is located on the same lot. Examples of accessory structures are desks, patio covers, and metal… Find out more. |
Temporary Special Even Permit | Planning | Yes | Application for events shall be submitted in a complete form in advance of the anticipated commencement of the activity as follows: (1) Minor events. (A) Events proposed to operate for the first time: At least 30 days in advance for a community celebration, and at least 90 days in advance for any other event. (B)… Find out more. |
Agricultural Preservation/Land Conservation Contract and Non-Renewal of Land Conservation Contract | Planning | Yes | Application to establish, expand, disestablish or reduce an Agricultural Preserve boundary and/or to request to establish, non-renew or cancel a Land Conservation Contract. Find out more. |
Adult Performer License Application | Enforcement | Yes | Adult Performer License Application Find out more. |
Bingo Games License Application | Enforcement | Yes | Qualified Applicants – Only the following organizations are permitted to apply for a bingo business license with the County of San Bernardino: Tax Exempt Organizations Mobile Home Park Associations Senior citizen organizations Charitable organizations affiliated with a school district Background Check - All initial and renewal applications are to be taken to the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s… Find out more. |
Massage Clinic Business License Application | Enforcement | Yes | Businesses located within the limits of an incorporated city, do not require a license from Code Enforcement; however, the city in which the business is located may have licensing requirements. Please contact this office to determine the jurisdiction. Sole providers are exempt from the requirement to obtain a license. All employed technicians must possess a… Find out more. |
Hotel Motel Business License Application | Enforcement | Yes | Information for Hotel/Motel Business License Applicants Photo Identification - The applicant must supply photo identification, such as California driver's license of ID card, to establish identity and proof of age. Fingerprints - Each applicant must be fingerprinted. Applicants will contact the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department for more information. Applicants can check in with the Employee… Find out more. |
Rental Dwelling Unit License Application | Enforcement | Yes | In accordance with San Bernardino County Code, effective July 1, 2017 all properties with single and multi-family rental dwellings in the unincorporated areas of the County are required to maintain a valid "Rental Dwelling Unit License." This license applies to rentals lasting 30 or more consecutive days in any consecutive 12-month period. This requirement is… Find out more. |
Professional Consultation | Planning | Yes | Professional Consultations are used to request meetings, research, or preparation of a rebuild letter. Rebuild Letters In order for a Rebuild Letter to be issued, staff will perform research to determine: that the residence(s) in question was legally built; and that the residential use has continued since that time. If we are unable to find… Find out more. |
Temporary Structure | Building | Yes | A temporary structure permit is required for temporary residential quarters, temporary mobile office trailers, and temporary security quarters. TEMPORARY RESIDENTIAL QUARTERS: A recreational vehicle or travel trailer occupied as residential quarters on a temporary basis by an individual constructing the first residence on the property. Applicant must have a permit issued for the construction of… Find out more. |
Extension of Time | Planning | Yes | An extension of time may be requested to comply with or implement any conditional land use decision made in accordance with provisions of the Development Code. A “conditional land use decision” includes land use actions such as Conditional Use Permits, Variances, and Tentative Maps. For questions as to whether an extension of time may be… Find out more. |
Special Use Permit – Home Occupation Permit Application | Enforcement | Yes | Please contact Code Enforcement at (909) 884-4056 for any questions regarding the Home Occupation Permit. A Home Occupation is: Any occupation customarily conducted entirely within a dwelling by its inhabitants, the purpose being incidental to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes. Home Occupations are commercial uses that are accessory and incidental to a… Find out more. |
Licensed Care Facility Inspection | Fire | Yes | Licensed Care Facility Inspection Find out more. |
Special Event Permit | Public Works | Yes | Please fill out the application questionnaire completely and accurately. Some fields are accompanied by additional help text. Click the (?) next to a field to show supplementary information. If necessary, please use the "Save and Resume Later" button at the bottom of this page to save your temporary record for completion at a later date/time. Your… Find out more. |
Special Use Permit – Telecommunication Towers Application | Enforcement | Yes | Please fill out the application questionnaire completely and accurately. Some fields are accompanied by additional help text. Click the (?) next to a field to show supplementary information. If necessary, please use the "Save and Resume Later" button at the bottom of this page to save your temporary record for completion at a later date/time. Your… Find out more. |
Special Use Permit – Special Use Permit Application | Enforcement | Yes | Please fill out the application questionnaire completely and accurately. Some fields are accompanied by additional help text. Click the (?) next to a field to show supplementary information. If necessary, please use the "Save and Resume Later" button at the bottom of this page to save your temporary record for completion at a later date/time. Your… Find out more. |
Special Use Permit – Short-Term Rental Application | Enforcement | Yes | This application is required in order to rent your home out on a short-term basis (less than 30 days). The applicant must certify the unit meets all of the required standards and conditions outlined in the San Bernardino County Code and in this application packet. The Code Enforcement Officer will conduct an exterior inspection of… Find out more. |
Special Use Permit – Kennels or Catteries Application | Enforcement | Yes | Please fill out the application questionnaire completely and accurately. Some fields are accompanied by additional help text. Click the (?) next to a field to show supplementary information. If necessary, please use the "Save and Resume Later" button at the bottom of this page to save your temporary record for completion at a later date/time. Your… Find out more. |
Special Use Permit – Exotic Animal Application | Enforcement | Yes | Please fill out the application questionnaire completely and accurately. Some fields are accompanied by additional help text. Click the (?) next to a field to show supplementary information. If necessary, please use the "Save and Resume Later" button at the bottom of this page to save your temporary record for completion at a later date/time. Your… Find out more. |
Special Use Permit – Bed and Breakfast Application | Enforcement | Yes | Please fill out the application questionnaire completely and accurately. Some fields are accompanied by additional help text. Click the (?) next to a field to show supplementary information. If necessary, please use the "Save and Resume Later" button at the bottom of this page to save your temporary record for completion at a later date/time. Your… Find out more. |
Temporary Structure | Building | No | Temporary structures are modular units,recreational vehicles/trailers, etc. Find out more. |
Zoning Certification | Planning | Yes | Licensing Review / Zoning Certification / Zoning Affidavit This application is used to submit a request to the Planning Division of San Bernardino County Land Use Services Department for verification that the zoning for a piece of property conforms to a proposed or existing use. This application should be used for: General zoning certifications for… Find out more. |
Tree and Plant Removal | Planning | Yes | Tree (Plant) Removal Permit Application This application is provided for those circumstances where a tree or plan removal is not in conjunction with a land use application or development permit (88.01.050)(d)(2). Regulated trees and plants: For a list of regulated trees and plants, please refer to Sections: 88.01.060(c), 88.01.070(b), 88.01.080(b) and 88.01.050 (e) (4) of… Find out more. |
Temporary Use Permit | Planning | Yes | As provided in the San Bernardino County Development Code Title 8, Division 4, Temporary Use Permits (TUP) may be issued for: 1. Batch Plants. Batch plants necessary for the construction of major public infrastructure improvements provided proper review in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is completed. 2. Construction yards - Off-site. Off-site… Find out more. |
Revision to Approved Action | Planning | Yes | The Director of Land Use Services may approve minor modifications/revisions of the conditions of approval or project design for a conditionally approved development project. However, should the Director determine that the modifications may be controversial, the requested modification shall be referred back to the reviewing authority who required the conditions. In this case, the review… Find out more. |
Project Application | Planning | Yes | Planning Project Application Instructions You are about to begin the application process to submit a Project proposal to County of San Bernardino Land Use Services Department Planning Division. It is highly recommended that you submit for a Pre-Application Development Review prior to submitting a formal Land Use Planning Project application. The Planning Project application should… Find out more. |
Lot Merger | Planning | Yes | A Lot Merger combines two or more substandard lots into one and is a recorded document. A Lot Merger is completely different than a Lot Combination. A Lot Combination is processed through the Assessor’s Office and combines the lots for tax billing convenience purposes only (i.e., one tax bill). With a Lot Combination, the lots… Find out more. |
Lot Line Adjustment | Planning | Yes | About Lot Line Adjustments The County Development Code requires a Lot Line Adjustment approval when a property owner wants to adjust the lot line between at least two, but no more than four, adjacent parcels. In a Lot Line Adjustment, land is taken from one parcel and added to an adjacent parcel. No additional parcels… Find out more. |
Landscape Plan | Planning | Yes | Landscape Plan Review The Landscape Plan Review process is to be used when a Condition of Approval for a development project requires the submission of landscape plans for review or when required by Development Code Section 83.10.020. This is an administrative review process conducted by staff of the Planning Division. Please be prepared to provide… Find out more. |
General Plan and Development Code Interpretation | Planning | Yes | This application is required when an individual requests a written interpretation of either the General Plan or the County Development Code. You can access current Development Code at You can access the County's General Plan at A General Plan and Development Code Interpretation asks the Planning Department to make a preliminary determination as… Find out more. |
Environmental Review Unrelated to Planning Project | Planning | Yes | This process is required for all projects and other items that require environmental review in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) that are NOT associated with a land use application being processed or required by the County. County Planning staff will review your application and will determine what, if any, type of environmental… Find out more. |
Compatibility Determination | Planning | Yes | San Bernardino County Development Code Sections 84.01.050 (g) and (l) require that certain proposed accessory uses be approved only if it is found to be compatible with the surrounding area. A compatibility determination is only required in certain land use zoning districts. Online Resources: Proposed accessory uses that required a Compatibility Determination are covered in… Find out more. |
Certificate of Subdivision Compliance | Planning | Yes | This process is used to legalize a parcel that was created on or after March 4, 1972. It also may impose any necessary conditions to provide the appropriate improvements. A Certificate of Compliance application applies only to a single parcel and is required when: an existing land violation prevents the division or development of property… Find out more. |
Certificate of Land Use Compliance | Planning | Yes | The Certificate of Land Use Compliance is used to certify the legal use of property, establish termination dates for nonconforming uses, disclose in public records any conditions of operation and any other long term conditions or restrictions that apply to the subject use or property. Upon approval, the Planning staff will make provision for the… Find out more. |
Appeal | Planning | Yes | APPEAL OF A LAND USE DECISION Appeals must be formally submitted before the effective date of the decision being appealed in order to be eligible for consideration. Please be advised that you must submit payment of the appeal fees in order to submit an appeal application. For current appeal fees, please consult the Land… Find out more. |
Accessory Wind Energy System | Planning | Yes | An Accessory Wind Energy Systems application is required by the County Development Code to evaluate the location, design and operation for an accessory wind energy system as specified in each Land Use District. The Accessory Wind Energy Systems application and process provides the County the opportunity to review the proposed accessory wind energy system installation… Find out more. |
ABC Letter of Public Convenience | Planning | Yes | ABC Letter of Public "Convenience or Necessity" State law requires a local jurisdiction to make a “public convenience or necessity” determination prior to the State Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) issuing a liquor license under certain circumstances. Refer to Division 9 of the State Business and Professions Code for specific State requirements and definitions… Find out more. |
Pre-Application Development Review | Planning | Yes | Prior to the formal submission of an application and prior to the applicant spending time and resources preparing detailed plans and technical studies, the applicant can use the Pre-Application Development Review process to have County staff answer specific questions or to provide general input and observations regarding the project. Comments provided during this meeting… Find out more. |
Flood Control Temporary Access | Public Works | Yes | The San Bernardino County Flood Control District (SBCFCD) manages the regional flood protection functions for San Bernardino County with authority granted via State legislation enacted in 1939. The District has developed a very extensive system of facilities, including dams, conservation basins, channels, and storm drains. The purpose of these facilities is to intercept and convey… Find out more. |
Flood Control Construction Permit | Public Works | Yes | The San Bernardino County Flood Control District (SBCFCD) manages the regional flood protection functions for San Bernardino County with authority granted via State legislation enacted in 1939. The District has developed a very extensive system of facilities, including dams, conservation basins, channels, and storm drains. The purpose of these facilities is to intercept and convey… Find out more. |
Moving Permit (Single Trip) | Public Works | Yes | A Single Trip moving permit allows a Transporter to make a single trip, from a single origin to a single destination, in one direction along the County Maintained Road System. A Single Trip moving permit is issued for mountain and restricted roads, direct crossings, and variance loads. Find out more. |
Moving Permit (Annual) | Public Works | Yes | An Annual Moving Permit allows a Transporter to make multiple trips, for one year duration, on any road(s) in the County Maintained Road System (CMRS). Annual permits are NOT valid for travel where the: CMRS road is in the mountain region CMRS road is weight restricted Load and/or vehicle exceeds 16 feet in height or 12… Find out more. |
Neighborhood Watch Sign | Public Works | Yes | Generally, the County does not allow signs within County Maintained Road System (CMRS) road right-of-way. It is only allowed when in the best interest of the public which includes neighborhood watch signs. County staff will be able to advise and answer crucial questions to help permit applicants navigate the permit process. This will help to… Find out more. |
Tree/Sidewalk Permit | Public Works | Yes | County of San Bernardino Tree Policy 08-12 states that the "Abutting property owner is responsible for the trimming or removal for his convenience or protection of his property, and; also, for the trimming of shrubs as necessary to remove sign obstruction for traffic entering the roadway" and Streets and Highways Code 5610 states that the… Find out more. |
Adopt-a-Road | Public Works | Yes | The County of San Bernardino Department of Public Works Adopt-A-Road Program provides an avenue for individuals or volunteer groups to keep their neighborhoods litter-free one road at a time. This program is consistent with the County Vision, which says, in part: We will work together to connect and beautify communities through shared open spaces, public… Find out more. |
Addressing – Subdivision | Building | Yes | Once a subdivision records, each lot requires an address prior to construction. This record allows a sub-divider to request an address assignment for each lot within the subdivision. If you have any questions related to the submission of this application, please contact Land Use Services Department for assistance at (909) 387-8311. Find out more. |
Addressing – New | Building | Yes | This application can be used for: To assign an address to a vacant lot To assign additional unit address to a lot with an established address This application cannot be used for: Changes of address (please use the "Addressing - Change" application) Cell site addresses Utility pedestals Temporary addresses Find out more. |
Special Inspector: NO LONGER REQUIRED | Building | No | The special Inspector Application is no longer required. Find out more. |
Approved Fabricator | Building | Yes | Special inspection requirements of the California Building Code can be achieved through work being completed on the premises of a fabricator registered & approved by the Building Official. Typical Related Records that are associated with this application: Accessory, Single Family Residence, and Non-Residential Records, though any project could utilize an approved fabricator depending on the… Find out more. |
Water Quality Management Plan / Post Construction Management Plan (WQMP/PCMP) | Planning | Yes | A Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP)/ Post Construction Management Plan (PCMP) is required around Santa Ana River Watershed area and around Phelan/Pinon Hill area in high desert area per the California Regional Water Quality Boards. After submitting your report, they go through the plan review process, which involves reviews to verify compliance with the latest… Find out more. |
Walls and Fences | Building | Yes | A Wall and Fences Permit is required when a project requires to construct any masonry/retaining walls or chain link or iron fencing. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California… Find out more. |
Variance | Planning | Yes | Variances are provided for in the Development Code and State Law to allow flexibility of development standards where the strict application of a regulation may not be appropriate. According to State Law, the justification for a Variance is that you as a property owner would suffer a unique hardship if the development standard as specified… Find out more. |
Underground | Fire | Yes | An Underground Permit is required when installing underground water piping/infrastructure for purpose of adding additional fire hydrants and underground connections to sprinkler risers. Find out more. |
Traffic Study | Public Works | Yes | When a new development is proposed within the unincorporated areas of the County, the Traffic Division of the Department of Public Works provides a review of the traffic related portions in cooperation with the Department of Land Use Services. For projects which generate a sufficient amount of traffic, more than 100 trips during the peak… Find out more. |
Tenant Improvement | Building | Yes | A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to alter an existing building or structure. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes,… Find out more. |
Street Improvement Plan | Planning | Yes | A Street Improvement Plan is required when a road construction is required as part of the project. After submitting your plans, they go through the plan review process, which involves reviews to verify compliance with the San Bernardino County Development Code and San Bernardino County Road Planning and Design Standards. Find out more. |
Solar | Building | Yes | Solar A Solar permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to construct rooftop or ground mounted solar. Prior to starting construction, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building… Find out more. |
Sign | Building | Yes | A Sign Permit is required when installing a sign. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes, San Bernardino County Development Code and/or any required laws and regulations.… Find out more. |
Road Construction Permit | Public Works | Yes | Transportation Construction Permits allow you to encroach onto County Maintained Road System right-of-way for the laying, constructing, or repairing of appurtenant road improvements. Transportation Construction Permits apply to all construction or repair of road, drainage, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, storm drain, street lights, signing & striping, traffic signals or any other work that is a part… Find out more. |
Road Closure Permit | Public Works | Yes | The County of San Bernardino Department of Public Works Road Closure Permit is required when closing County Maintained Road System roads down for any length of time. Only when it is in the best interest of the Public to close the road is it allowed. A traffic control plan is required. Other possible requirements related… Find out more. |
Residential New Construction | Building | Yes | A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to construct any residential building with a floor area greater than 120 square feet. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves… Find out more. |
Residential Alteration | Building | Yes | A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to alter an existing building or structure. Prior to starting construction you may be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes,… Find out more. |
Residential Addition | Building | Yes | A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to add to an existing building or structure, for example, a room addition. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance… Find out more. |
Residential Accessory | Building | Yes | A Residential Accessory permit is required prior to any construction of residential accessory structures greater than 120 square feet. The definition of Accessory Structure is any structure accessory to and incidental to that of the dwelling(s) and that is located on the same lot. Examples of accessory structures are desks, patio covers, and metal storage… Find out more. |
Residential & Multi-Family Sprinkler Permit | Fire | Yes | A Residential Sprinkler Permit is required when installing a residential fire sprinkler systems or adding on to an existing system. Find out more. |
ReRoof | Building | Yes | A Re roof Permit is required prior to the construction of re roofing activity. The application review and inspection process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes, San Bernardino County Development Code, and/or any required laws and regulations. This shall also include verification of no more than two or more layers of any type… Find out more. |
Fire Pre-Engineered Systems/AST | Fire | Yes | A Pre-Engineered Systems and AST Permit is required when installing a Pre-Engineered System or AST. Find out more. |
Pool and Spa | Building | Yes | A Pool and Spa Permit is required prior to construction of pool and/or spa on a property. Prior to starting any construction, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes, San Bernardino… Find out more. |
Plumbing | Building | Yes | A permit is required for Plumbing work on an existing building or structure. Prior to starting any activities, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes, San Bernardino County Fire Code, Environmental… Find out more. |
Non-Residential Sprinkler | Fire | Yes | A Non-Residential Sprinkler Permit is required when installing a non-residential fire sprinkler systems or adding on to an existing system. Standpipes and hose racks may also be required/reviewed as part of this permit. Find out more. |
Non-Residential Pump | Fire | Yes | A Non-Residential Pump Permit is required when installing a commercial fire pump. Standpipes and hose racks may be required/reviewed as part of this permit. Find out more. |
Non-Residential New Construction | Building | Yes | A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to construct any new building or structure greater than 120 square feet. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance… Find out more. |
Non-Residential Addition | Building | Yes | A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to add to or alter an existing building or structure. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the… Find out more. |
Multi-Family New Construction | Building | Yes | A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to construct any new building or structure greater than 120 square feet. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance… Find out more. |
Mixed Use New Construction | Building | Yes | A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to construct any new building or structure greater than 120 square feet. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance… Find out more. |
Mechanical | Building | Yes | A permit is required for Mechanical work on an existing building or structure. Prior to starting any activities, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes, San Bernardino County Fire Code, Environmental… Find out more. |
Manufactured Homes | Building | Yes | A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to setdown or install a new or used manufactured home. Prior to setdown or install, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with… Find out more. |
High Pile and Inrack Sprinkler | Fire | Yes | A High Pile and In rack Sprinkler Permit is required when installing a High Pile and In rack Sprinkler system into a storage facility. Find out more. |
Grading | Building | Yes | A Grading Permit is required when excavation (cut) and embankment (fill) grading activities move more than 100 cubic yards. Prior to starting any grading activities, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation. After submitting your plans, they go through the plan review process, which involves reviews to verify compliance with… Find out more. |
Geotechnical (Soils) Report | Building | Yes | A Geotechnical Report is typically required for most structures, including main residences, guest houses, additions, or detached accessory buildings. This report ensures the ground is suitable and safe for construction. Geotechnical reports that address a proposed project are considered preliminary reports whether they address development or construction plans. The appropriate scope of a preliminary geotechnical… Find out more. |
Geology Investigation | Building | Yes | A Geology Field Inspection Permit is required to accommodate a field (site) visit by a County Geologist if a site is located within a fault hazard zone or other geologic hazard zone requiring a specialized subsurface investigation. A Geology Field Inspection Permit application does not need to be accompanied by a Geotechnical (Soils) Report; however,… Find out more. |
Fire Alarm | Fire | Yes | A Fire Alarm Permit is required when installing a fire alarm monitoring/notification system in a structure. Find out more. |
Erosion Control | Building | Yes | A Grading Permit is required when excavation (cut) and embankment (fill) grading activities move more than 50 cubic yards. Prior to starting any grading activities, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation. After submitting your plans, they go through the plan review process, which involves reviews to verify compliance with… Find out more. |
Encroachment Permit | Public Works | Yes | Transportation Encroachment Permits allow you to encroach onto County Maintained Road System right-of-way to perform work or construct certain improvements. Examples include: construction of driveway approaches, installation or replacement of power poles, sidewalk repairs or replacements, construction of parking decks in mountain areas or traffic control to access existing underground utility facilities. A Transportation Encroachment… Find out more. |
Electrical | Building | Yes | A permit is required for Electrical work on an existing building or structure. Prior to starting any activities, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes, San Bernardino County Fire Code, Environmental… Find out more. |
Drainage Study | Planning | Yes | A Drainage Study is typically required to prevent or mitigate any possible drainage impact to upstream or downstream of the project site due to the project construction activity. Hydrology and/or Hydraulic studies can be submitted under Drainage Study. After submitting your study, they go through the plan review process, which involves reviews to verify compliance… Find out more. |
Demolition | Building | Yes | A Demolition Permit is required for the partial or complete removal of a permitted building or structure. This includes the removal of the foundation, water lines, sewer lines, gas lines and the demolition of any septic systems and wells. Prior to starting demolition, you will be required to submit a plot plan showing the location… Find out more. |
Construction Waste Management Plan | Public Works | Yes | The Department of Public Works, Solid Waste Management Division reviews and approves all new construction projects required to submit a Construction and Demolition Solid Waste Management Plan (waste management plan). Effective January 1, 2017, the California Green Building Standards Code requires all newly constructed buildings, including low-rise residential and most non-residential commercial projects, to develop… Find out more. |
Addressing – Change | Building | Yes | Applications can be submitted for: Change of street number Change of street name for lots with multiple frontages (change of street assignment from one frontage to another) Applications cannot be submitted for: Change of community/city name Change of Zip code Street name changes (If you are interested in changing the officially recorded street name please… Find out more. |