Building Permits

The Single Resource for County Permits and Applications

The County of San Bernardino’s EZOP website simplifies your search for project information by centralizing handouts and descriptions of development and construction-related permits and activities.

Are you building a high rise? Renovating a house? Installing a new water heater? Rewiring a blighted property as part of rehab? Or maybe you are seeking approval to operate a business that’s not usually allowed in your location? Whether you are looking to build a house or repair one, this is your one place to start.

Here you will find information on various activities regulated by the County in a citizen-focused format. Each application along with required materials are described fully so that you can be prepared to apply.

Click here for a Quick Reference Guide that helps you find the appropriate application for your project.

Permit Module Apply Online Description
Non-Residential Accessory Building Yes A Non-Residential Accessory permit is required prior to any construction of non-residential accessory. The definition of Accessory Structure is any structure accessory to and incidental to that of the dwelling(s) and that is located on the same lot. Examples of accessory structures are pump houses, trash enclosures, and metal storage containers. Prior to starting construction… Find out more.
Solar with SolarAPP+ Building Yes Using SolarAPP+ Step 1: Eligibility to Use SolarAPP+ Permitted residential structures only Roof mount solar on a manufactured home must be permitted through State of California Department of Housing and Community Development. (HCD) 951-782-4420 No building-integrated photovoltaic systems (BIPV) No ballasted systems Please review the SolarAPP+ Eligibility Checklistfor acceptable projects Qualified Licensed Contractors Only (C-10 and C-46)… Find out more.
Non-Residential Accessory Building Yes A Non-Residential  Accessory permit is required prior to any construction of a nonresidential accessory structures greater than 120 square feet. The definition of Accessory Structure is any structure accessory to and incidental to that of the dwelling(s) and that is located on the same lot. Examples of accessory structures are desks, patio covers, and metal… Find out more.
Temporary Structure Building Yes A temporary structure permit is required for temporary residential quarters, temporary mobile office trailers, and temporary security quarters. TEMPORARY RESIDENTIAL QUARTERS: A recreational vehicle or travel trailer occupied as residential quarters on a temporary basis by an individual constructing the first residence on the property. Applicant must have a permit issued for the construction of… Find out more.
Temporary Structure Building No Temporary structures are modular units,recreational vehicles/trailers, etc. Find out more.
Addressing – Subdivision Building Yes Once a subdivision records, each lot requires an address prior to construction.  This record allows a sub-divider to request an address assignment for each lot within the subdivision. If you have any questions related to the submission of this application, please contact Land Use Services Department for assistance at (909) 387-8311.   Find out more.
Addressing – New Building Yes This application can be used for: To assign an address to a vacant lot To assign additional unit address to a lot with an established address This application cannot be used for: Changes of address (please use the "Addressing - Change" application) Cell site addresses Utility pedestals Temporary addresses Find out more.
Special Inspector: NO LONGER REQUIRED Building No The special Inspector Application is no longer required.   Find out more.
Approved Fabricator Building Yes Special inspection requirements of the California Building Code can be achieved through work being completed on the premises of a fabricator registered & approved by the Building Official. Typical Related Records that are associated with this application: Accessory, Single Family Residence, and Non-Residential Records, though any project could utilize an approved fabricator depending on the… Find out more.
Walls and Fences Building Yes A Wall and Fences Permit is required when a project requires to construct any masonry/retaining walls or chain link or iron fencing. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California… Find out more.
Tenant Improvement Building Yes A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to alter an existing building or structure. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes,… Find out more.
Solar Building Yes Solar A Solar permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to construct rooftop or ground mounted solar. Prior to starting construction, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building… Find out more.
Sign Building Yes A Sign Permit is required when installing a sign. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes, San Bernardino County Development Code and/or any required laws and regulations.… Find out more.
Residential New Construction Building Yes A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to construct any residential building with a floor area greater than 120 square feet. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves… Find out more.
Residential Alteration Building Yes A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to alter an existing building or structure. Prior to starting construction you may be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes,… Find out more.
Residential Addition Building Yes A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to add to an existing building or structure, for example, a room addition. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance… Find out more.
Residential Accessory Building Yes A Residential Accessory permit is required prior to any construction of residential accessory structures greater than 120 square feet. The definition of Accessory Structure is any structure accessory to and incidental to that of the dwelling(s) and that is located on the same lot. Examples of accessory structures are desks, patio covers, and metal storage… Find out more.
ReRoof Building Yes A Re roof Permit is required prior to the construction of re roofing activity. The application review and inspection process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes, San Bernardino County Development Code, and/or any required laws and regulations. This shall also include verification of no more than two or more layers of any type… Find out more.
Pool and Spa Building Yes A Pool and Spa Permit is required prior to construction of pool and/or spa on a property. Prior to starting any construction, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes, San Bernardino… Find out more.
Plumbing Building Yes A permit is required for Plumbing work on an existing building or structure. Prior to starting any activities, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes, San Bernardino County Fire Code, Environmental… Find out more.
Non-Residential New Construction Building Yes A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to construct any new building or structure greater than 120 square feet. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance… Find out more.
Non-Residential Addition Building Yes A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to add to or alter an existing building or structure. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the… Find out more.
Multi-Family New Construction Building Yes A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to construct any new building or structure greater than 120 square feet. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance… Find out more.
Mixed Use New Construction Building Yes A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to construct any new building or structure greater than 120 square feet. Prior to starting construction you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance… Find out more.
Mechanical Building Yes A permit is required for Mechanical work on an existing building or structure. Prior to starting any activities, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes, San Bernardino County Fire Code, Environmental… Find out more.
Manufactured Homes Building Yes A Building Permit is required for an owner or contractor of a property to setdown or install a new or used manufactured home. Prior to setdown or install, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with… Find out more.
Grading Building Yes A Grading Permit is required when excavation (cut) and embankment (fill) grading activities move more than 100 cubic yards. Prior to starting any grading activities, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation. After submitting your plans, they go through the plan review process, which involves reviews to verify compliance with… Find out more.
Geotechnical (Soils) Report Building Yes A Geotechnical Report is typically required for most structures, including main residences, guest houses, additions, or detached accessory buildings. This report ensures the ground is suitable and safe for construction. Geotechnical reports that address a proposed project are considered preliminary reports whether they address development or construction plans. The appropriate scope of a preliminary geotechnical… Find out more.
Geology Investigation Building Yes A Geology Field Inspection Permit is required to accommodate a field (site) visit by a County Geologist if a site is located within a fault hazard zone or other geologic hazard zone requiring a specialized subsurface investigation. A Geology Field Inspection Permit application does not need to be accompanied by a Geotechnical (Soils) Report; however,… Find out more.
Erosion Control Building Yes A Grading Permit is required when excavation (cut) and embankment (fill) grading activities move more than 50 cubic yards. Prior to starting any grading activities, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation. After submitting your plans, they go through the plan review process, which involves reviews to verify compliance with… Find out more.
Electrical Building Yes A permit is required for Electrical work on an existing building or structure. Prior to starting any activities, you will be required to submit plans and any necessary supporting documentation for review and approval by the County. The plan review process involves verifying compliance with the California Building Codes, San Bernardino County Fire Code, Environmental… Find out more.
Demolition Building Yes A Demolition Permit is required for the partial or complete removal of a permitted building or structure. This includes the removal of the foundation, water lines, sewer lines, gas lines and the demolition of any septic systems and wells. Prior to starting demolition, you will be required to submit a plot plan showing the location… Find out more.
Addressing – Change Building Yes Applications can be submitted for: Change of street number Change of street name for lots with multiple frontages (change of street assignment from one frontage to another) Applications cannot be submitted for: Change of community/city name Change of Zip code Street name changes (If you are interested in changing the officially recorded street name please… Find out more.