Upcoming Events

July DBH Events (English/Spanish). View more info on our Events webpage.

DBH is proud to provide free mental health and substance use disorder presentations to your agency and/or community group. DBH is also available to host resource tables at community events.

Request a presentation or DBH’s attendance at your community event by sending an email to DBH-Outreach@dbh.sbcounty.gov or by calling (909) 386-9720. Please provide two-weeks’ notice when possible. DBH reviews all requests and will contact you in return if we are available to attend and/or participate in your event.

Media Inquiries

DBH’s Public Relations and Outreach program oversees and coordinates all marketing, communication, and outreach events for the department.

For more information, media inquiries, or to schedule a phone or in-person interview with a subject matter expert in the field of behavioral health and substance use disorders, call (909) 386-9720 or email DBH-PublicRelations@dbh.sbcounty.gov.

Social Media

Stay in the know by following us on social media and subscribing:

DBH Community Member E-Newsletter and Press Releases
DBH Community Member Newsletter Updates

To sign up for our newsletter or to access your subscriber preferences, please enter your contact information below.

*Old Mailchimp Subscriber Link:

San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health (list-manage.com)

Resilient and Real Podcast

We’re proud to present the Resilient and Real podcast, a DBH podcast dedicated to providing mental health and substance use disorder resources including field-expert interviews and department news that promotes prevention, intervention, recovery and resiliency for individuals, families and communities. 

Listen to the podcast on Apple PodcastsSpotifyiHeart RadioAmazon Music or online.

Contract Provider Branding Resources

Contract Provider Collateral Material Checklist (For contract providers ONLY)

Requests for Information

To request data regarding services, demographics, or to submit a Public Records Act request, visit https://sanbernardinocounty.nextrequest.com/.

Note: Behavioral Health Commission meetings are open to the public for comments and is separate from a request for information. Meetings are open to the public for comments during the designated timeframes on the agenda. A “Public Comment Request to Speak” form will be available for individuals attending in-person at CSBHS – 850 E. Foothill Blvd., Rialto, CA 92376. Please note that public comments are limited to 3-mintues. (Updated 6/8/2023). To learn more about the Behavioral Health Commission, visit the Commission webpage.