Parking Citations, Commendations, and Complaints

Internal Affairs

Our Department is committed to providing professional law enforcement services to our community. We encourage people to express their opinions regarding the performance of our duties.

The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department contracts the management of parking citations to a third-party vendor. To pay, appeal, or check the status of a parking citation, please visit the Citation Processing Center – Parking and Administrative Citations or call 800-989-2058. You can search by citation number, notice number, or by license plate. Your citation number can be found on the original ticket or the notice of citation; enter the citation number (numbers & letters, no spaces) and the time or date of the violation.

Fix-It/Correctable violations may not be submitted online for a fine reduction. You must have a law enforcement officer sign the back of the citation or notice certifying that you have corrected the noted violation(s). You must then submit the proof of correction with the appropriate payment (check or money order) to:

San Bernardino County
C/O Citation Processing Center
PO Box 10479
Newport Beach, CA 92658-0479

Indigent Payment Qualifications

Beginning July 1, 2021, as approved by the Governor in Assembly Bill 3277, Payment Plans are offered to Indigent Registered Owner(s)/Lessee(s) with unpaid parking citations of $500.00 or less.

For citations issued on or after July 1, 2018, Registered Owner(s)/Lessee(s) may request an Indigent Payment Plan application within 120 calendar days of issuance or within ten days of Administrative Hearing determination, whichever is later.

For citations issued before July 1, 2018, Assembly Bill 2544 was approved by the Governor on September 18, 2018, allowing Registered Owner(s)/Lessee(s) to request an Indigent Payment Plan application for unpaid parking penalties.

An Indigent Payment Plan allows you to pay your parking citation in up to $25.00 monthly increments and shall be paid off within 24 months of the Payment Plan approval date. Upon approval, a non-refundable Payment Plan fee of $5.00 will be assessed to the total Payment Plan amount, and all late fees and penalties shall be waived. Waived late fees and penalties may be reinstated if the person falls out of compliance with the Payment Plan.

The Registered Owner/Lessee must demonstrate that they are indigent by providing either of the following information as applicable:

(A) Proof of income from the most recent pay stub or another proof of earnings, such as a bank statement that show the individual meets the income criteria outlined in subdivision (b) of Section 68632 of the Government Code.

(B) Proof of receipt of benefits under the programs described in subdivision (a) of Section 68632 of the Government Code. Proof of receipt will include a copy of the most recent: Verification of Benefits Form or Award Letter for Social Security.

(C) If the Registered Owner(s)/Lessee(s) does not have income or receives public assistance, a copy of their annual earnings from the Social Security Department is required.

Request a Payment Plan

To request a Payment Plan, please submit the required documentation with a letter requesting the payment plan by mail. Only requests submitted with complete supporting documentation will be accepted.

By Mail:

AB503 / AB2544 Payment Plan
PO Box 10479
Newport Beach, CA 92658-0479

San Bernardino County Code Violation 53.0303 / No Snow Play on the Roadway in San Bernardino County Mountains 

For your safety, the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, California Highway Patrol, and other law enforcement agencies will be in force during and after winter storms to enforce no snow play on the roadway regulations.  

So, while residents throughout Southern California are welcome in San Bernardino County’s beautiful mountains, the county urges everyone to pay attention to no-parking signs, be prepared for hazardous driving conditions, play only in designated recreation areas, and be considerate of those who live in these communities. The price for not doing so can be up to a $150 fine. 

Motorists are advised not to approach the mountains without snow chains. If conditions call for chains, law enforcement will not allow vehicles to proceed without them. 

If you would like to commend a Sheriff’s Department employee for the service you received, please email the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department Public Affairs Division To ensure your email is forwarded to the appropriate patrol station or division, please include, your name, contact information, date and time of the incident, employee’s name, and detailed comment.

Where and how to file a complaint

You may make a complaint in person at any Sheriff’s station or the Internal Affairs Division regardless of where the incident occurred. The Internal Affairs Division is located at Sheriff’s Headquarters, 655 East 3rd Street in San Bernardino. If you do not wish to make a complaint in person, you may call the Internal Affairs Division during normal business hours at (909) 387-3726, to have a Civilian Complaint form mailed to you.

You may also click on one of the form icons at the bottom of this page. Please complete the form, print it, and mail it to: San Bernardino County Sheriff-Coroner Department
Internal Affairs Division
655 East Third Street
San Bernardino, California 92415-0061

If you feel more comfortable making a complaint in writing, and there is not enough room on the complaint form to fully explain your concerns, you may attach additional pages along with any documents you feel are relevant. There is no set format. You may tell your story in a way that you feel comfortable. Please remember it is important to include details such as when and where the incident occurred, the name of the employee involved if you know it, and how you can be contacted for additional information.

Please mail all the material directly to the Internal Affairs Division at the address listed above.

How a formal personnel complaint is handled

When a formal personnel complaint is received, it is reviewed to determine if the allegations are a violation of Department Policy or the law. If further information is required, or if the allegations are unclear, the complainant may receive a letter requesting they contact the Internal Affairs Division for further information. If the allegations are violations of Department Policy or the law, the complaint will be assigned to a supervisor. Often, the first thing the supervisor will ask to do is conduct a recorded interview with the complainant. The purpose of this is to ensure the investigator has a good understanding of what your complaint is about and who is involved. Once the complaint has been thoroughly investigated, the commander of the station will review it and forward it to the Internal Affairs Division.

Your complaint and the investigation will then be reviewed by the Internal Affairs Division personnel and sent to the appropriate Bureau Deputy Chief. The Deputy Chief will examine all of the materials and render a decision on how the matter will be handled. If an employee is to receive discipline, the case may be referred to a disciplinary review board.

Investigation of a personnel complaint and the subsequent case review is a very time-consuming and involved process. Please be patient. After the complaint has been thoroughly investigated, and the appropriate action has been taken, you will be notified in writing of the results. California law prohibits the department from disclosing details of personnel investigations or any disciplinary action taken.

The letter you receive will list one or more of the following decisions relative to the allegations:

  • SUSTAINED – The investigation disclosed sufficient evidence to prove the truth of the allegation in the complaint by preponderance of the evidence.
  • NOT-SUSTAINED – The investigation failed to disclose sufficient evidence to clearly prove or disprove the allegation in the complaint.
  • UNFOUNDED – The investigation clearly established that the allegation is not true.
  • EXONERATED – The investigation clearly established that the actions of the peace officer or custodial officer that formed the basis for the complaint are not violations of the law or Department policy.
  • FRIVOLOUS – The investigation established that the complaint is totally and completely without merit or offered for the sole purpose of harassing the officer.

Criminal charges and the courts

Many times, people who have received a citation or were arrested feel they are not guilty of the charge. However, the validity of the citation or arrest and the guilt or innocence of the person involved must be determined by a court of law, not the Sheriff’s Department. Only a court is empowered by law to adjudicate such matters. The filing of a Civilian Complaint will not stop a criminal investigation, prosecution, or the citation process.


Calendar of Events

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Background Investigations

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Cal-Gang Computer System

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