Reserve Deputy Sheriff
199 N. Hangar Way
San Bernardino, CA 92415
(909) 387-0641
Become A Volunteer
Click on become a Volunteer. Take the completed application to your local station or save it, then email it to the email address on the application.
Volunteer Forces

The primary mission of the Reserve Deputy Sheriff program is to supplement law enforcement functions at the division level of the department. Reserve Deputy Sheriffs, while on duty, are regarded by the department, and the community, as equal in authority and responsibility with regular deputies and as such are required to meet the same expectations.
All persons applying for the position of a Reserve Deputy Sheriff must complete the department-authorized application process. In addition, they must meet the following entry level requirements:
- No felony convictions
- No pending misdemeanor or felony court cases
- In compliance with the department tattoo policy
- At least twenty-one years of age
- A legal resident of the United States
- Posses a high school diploma or GED
- Posses a valid driver’s license
- Possess a Basic, level I or Level II POST certificate
- 24-hour call-out status
- Monthly business meeting
- Maintain current first aid and CPR certification
- 192 volunteer hours annually (64 hours per trimester)
- Minimum of 24-hours of P.O.S.T. approved training every two years
All current Sheriff’s Reserves may apply for a CCW permit through DOJ. All CCW applications must be submitted in person. Please contact Sheriff’s Volunteer Forces at (909)387-0641 to schedule an appointment to submit your completed application.
Qualified retired San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department level I Reserve Deputy Sheriffs may receive a retired department identification card endorsed for the carrying of concealed and loaded firearms (CCW). Retired or retiring Reserves interested in applying should contact Sheriff’s Volunteer Forces at (909)387-0641to schedule an appointment to submit the completed application.
- Minimum of 10 years Department service as a Level I Reserve Deputy Sheriff
- Applies to past-retired and retiring Reserves
- Also includes those who qualified with 10 years as a Level I and later changed their status to a Level
II, III or Citizen Volunteer - Honorably retired as a member in good standing in accordance with department and POST
standards - No disqualifying state, federal and civil firearm convictions or prohibitions
- Complete the department Retired Reserve Deputy Sheriff CCW Application
- Complete and pass the department CCW firearms qualification
Retired Reserve Annual Firearms Qualification Form
- All retired reserves are required to qualify annually with their firearms
- This form must be provided to the range master for completion and forwarded to Volunteer Forces
upon successful qualification - The form must be used for all annual qualifications regardless of where the range is located
- We will only accept qualifications that occur at a law enforcement range
- Failure to qualify annually will result in the revocation of a CCW endorsed ID card