Search and Rescue

Become A Volunteer

Click on become a Volunteer. Take the completed application to your local station or save it, then email it to the email address on the application.

Volunteer Application

Volunteer Forces

Search and Rescue

San Bernardino is the largest county within the United States. The county spans 20,105 square miles encompassing vast deserts, mountain ranges, urban cities, many lakes and the Colorado River. People from across the world can be found throughout the year hiking, rock climbing, water sports and snow skiing. Our volunteers save many lives each year during their search and rescue missions in every type of environment.

The primary mission of search and rescue volunteers is to search for and rescue persons on behalf of the Sheriff of San Bernardino County.  Additional missions may include evidence searches and assignments at the direction of the Department.

All persons applying for the position of a search and rescue citizen volunteer must complete the Department application process. In addition, they must meet the following entry level requirements:

  •  No felony convictions
  •  No pending misdemeanor of felony court cases
  •  In compliance with the Department tattoo policy
  •  Eighteen + years of age
  •  Legal resident of the United States
  •  Posess a high school diploma or GED
  •  Posess a valid driver’s license
  • Submit an application by email or print-out and bring to a meeting
  • Attend 3 business meetings within 5 months

(Please see list below of dates, times and locations of each S&R units’ meetings)

  •  Oral interview with Department personnel
  •  Complete a formal application process
  •  Agree to attend and complete the department’s Basic Search and Rescue academy within twelve
    months of appointment as a volunteer.
  •  Agree to meet and maintain compliance with Department policy and procedure.
    (Including grooming, tattoos, brands, body art and social media

New S&R members shall accomplish the following to obtain regular membership within one calendar year of their appointment to the Department:

  • Complete the Department’s Basic Search & Rescue Academy

(BSAR)(Available Biannually)

  •  Attend the unit’s monthly meetings and training
  •  Respond to search and rescue callouts
  •  Department Driver’s Awareness Certification
  •  Acquire and maintain all required uniforms and equipment (24-hour pack)
  •  Track and submit personal monthly statistics
  •  Demonstrate knowledge & proficiency of unit and station protocol/procedure

Membership in good standing requires the following be maintained:

  •  Attend a minimum of 60% of the annual unit monthly meetings and trainings
  •  Respond to a minimum of 20% of the annual search and rescue callouts
  •  Annually demonstrate and pass a S&R skills proficiency practical test
  •  Maintain required uniforms and equipment (24-Hour Pack)
  •  Maintain driver’s license and insurance
  •  Track and submit personal monthly statistics

Anyone interested in joining one of our teams should complete an application

Inquiries are always welcome! Volunteer Forces at 909-252-4100,


Calendar of Events

M Mon

T Tue

W Wed

T Thu

F Fri

S Sat

S Sun

1 event,

Radar Operator

Radar Operator

1 event,

1 event,

1 event,

Lidar Operator

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,

0 events,

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,

2 events,

Driving Under the Influence

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,

Field Training Officer

1 event,

1 event,

1 event,

1 event,

0 events,

0 events,

1 event,

2 events,

0 events,

0 events,