Force Options Training Unit

Range Fire Arms

This Unit is responsible for training over 2,800 law enforcement officers every trimester in the use of firearms, force options, and de-escalation techniques. These officers represent our Department and other local law enforcement agencies. In addition, over 16,000 members from various law enforcement agencies annually contract for the use of our facility for firearms training and qualifications.


The Range Reserve Unit is made up of volunteers who are cross-trained to assist the growing number of students. They are part of the delivery of a number of programs that include Basic and Reserve Deputy Academies, CCW qualifications, HR218 qualifications, and the trimester Continuing Professional Training (CPT) program. Their assistance in the delivery of our programs has been invaluable.

Below are some of the training courses offered by the Force Options Training Unit.

Active Shooter Response 10 hours (POST Certified)

This course will focus on immediate deployment, movements, tactics, self-aid/buddy-aid for active shooter/mass casualty incidents. The course will also consist of high-paced scenarios and practical’s utilizing paint marking training firearms.Baton Instructor Course16 hours(POST Certified)
This course prepares new academy instructors to teach baton techniques and tactics in the POST certified basic academy. Rifle Marksmanship and Sniper School 40 hours (POST Certified)
This course provides the student with basic marksmanship skills necessary to effectively perform a vital function in a police SWAT or tactical operation. Topics include ballistic theory, support equipment, capability, physical fitness issues, and role/mission. Building Searches 8 hours (POST Certified)
This course is designed to teach student officers safety/field tactics in building searches. Recognizing and using concepts of contact, cover, and movements. Chemical Agents Instructor 24 hours (POST Certified)
This course is designed to train law enforcement personnel in the use, maintenance, tactical considerations, legal issues, and instruction of authorized chemical agents. Defensive Tactics  40 hours (POST Certified)
Designed to train law enforcement officers to instruct in defensive tactics and weaponless defense techniques. Topics include physical fitness, assessment tests, handcuffing & searching techniques, passive and active countermeasures, LVNR, case law, and liability. Firearms Instructor Course 40 hours (POST Certified)
This course is designed to train law enforcement officers to be firearm instructors. Topics include basic firearm knowledge, lesson planning, range preparation/safety, instruction methods, and defining/correcting individual shooting problems.

Firearms/Tactical Handgun Update 24 hours (POST Certified)

This course is designed to maintain, improve, and update handgun skills necessary for the transition of a tactical operators use of a double-action style handgun to a safety activated single-action handgun.

Firearms/Tactical Rifle 16 hours (POST Certified)

Student officers will learn to safely operate the patrol style rifle or carbine for patrol based functions. Fundamentals of safety, nomenclature, maintenance, zeroing, positional shooting, tactical considerations as well as, legal and policy issues will be presented. This course suffices the legislative training mandate specified in Penal Code 33220(b).

Lady Be Aware 8 hours

The Lady Be Aware (LBA) safety course is specifically designed for women who want to develop the necessary attitude, skills, and knowledge to help prevent them from becoming a victim. The first portion of the training is classroom-based and the second portion of the training transitions to hands-on weaponless defensive tactics and an introduction to firearms shooting. For further information, please email: Ladybeaware@sbcsd.orgLess Lethal 8 hours
This course is designed to provide students with basic instruction regarding less than lethal alternatives in the use of force. Students will receive instruction in the latest weapons & munitions, tactics; and techniques in dealing with individuals involved in such encounters. Tactical Handgun 8 hours (POST Certified)
This course is designed to fully familiarize the law enforcement officer with a wide range of tactical handgun shooting techniques and considerations, including: gun safety, tactical movement, low light shooting, use of a partner in tactical situations, and more. Tactical Rifle 8 hours (POST Certified)
Designed for patrol officers who are the first responders to tactical situations. This course includes instruction on legal aspects, assembly/disassembly of rifles, ballistic information, tactical deployment, and practical application of firearm skills. Tactical Shotgun 8 hours (POST Certified)
This course provides the officer with training in the skills required to use the shotgun in tactical situations. Its covers basic shotgun, assembly/disassembly, firing while on the move, ballistics, and other advanced marksmanship and shotgun techniques. CPT Trimester Training 8 hours (POST Certified) /STC certified
CPT trimester training provides updates in tactics, procedure, and case law for law enforcement professionals. Varied subjects combine to provide training which is in compliance with POST’s 2-year hourly CPT requirement, and the Perishable Skills requirement for Firearms, Arrest and Control and Tactical Communication. Live Fire House Operator 16 hours (POST Certified)
Designed for operators of live firehouses safety is covered extensively with focus on the role of the safety officers. Students will design and run scenarios with emphasis on safety operations of live firehouses PC 832 Firearms 24 hours (POST Certified)

This course is designed to meet the 24-hour PC 832 firearms requirement.

Rifle Instructor Course 40 hours (POST Certified)

Designed to provide firearms instructors with skills to teach the use and application of the rifle in law enforcement situations, including operations and maintenance.

Special Weapons and Tactics 120 hours (POST Certified)

Designed for newly assigned tactical team members. Topics include firearms training, tactical deployment and protocols; entry and search, less-lethal force, chemical agents deployment, distraction devices and marksmanship/safety protocols.The Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act of 2004 (HR218)
Federal law mandates that retired peace officers must qualify annually with their concealed carry firearms in order to meet the requirements of HR218. This course meets those requirements and provides an annual update to retired peace officers. Retired peace officers will qualify with their firearm during this course.


Calendar of Events

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Radar Operator

Radar Operator

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Lidar Operator

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Driving Under the Influence

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Field Training Officer

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